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Skills Training Committees were first introduced in the Government Gazette on 7 February 2000 stating that “Employers with more than 50 employees must establish an in-company forum for consultation about skills development”.

Today, even smaller companies are encouraged as a matter of good business practice, to consult with their employees on skills matters.

The purpose of the consultation is so that parties can engage in a thorough and meaningful joint consensus-seeking skills development processes, reflecting the interest of the employees.

Role of committee members:

  • Consult on training priorities and needs and agree on interventions that addresses these priorities and needs.

  • To represent, communicate with and gather feedback from employees and other stakeholders on skills development matters.

  • To focus on the statutory objectives, particularly those embodied in the Skills Development Act, and not attempt to use the committee as a forum to address the interests of individuals or other parties.

Functions and responsibilities include:

  • Develop terms of reference for skills development committee.

  • Provide input into a skills development policy in support of the company’s business plan.

  • Promote alignment of workplace skills planning to the employment equity plan.

  • Informing fellow employees and training committee of training policy and implementation thereof

  • Input into the workplace skills plan obtained from respective designated groups.

  • Assist in the implementing and monitoring of the Workplace Skills Plan

  • Providing input into the Annual Training Report

  • Engage effectively in the consultative process related to the development, implementation, and monitoring of the Workplace Skills Plan.

As skills development is a strategic mechanism to support the implementation of Employment Equity within an organization. The Employment Equity Act clearly states that skills development is a key mechanism to provide for the advancement of the employees from the designated groups. It is therefore recommended that organizations adopt an integrated approach to employment equity and skills development and as such, why not combine your Employment Equity and Skills committee meetings?

Contact Compliance Hub today who can assist you by training your committee members and setting up for committee/s so that they function optimally.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

Article By:

Tiffany Reed: HR and SDF Consultant - Compliance Hub

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